Growing up in Christ
We are committed to always growing up in Christ together and we pray to do so in such a way that our lives might bear both the beautiful fruit of his kingdom and a stable, resilient and evergreen spirit that can endure the varied seasons and hardships of life. We want our Sunday worship and Monday chores to honor God, strengthened by an ever increasing knowledge of His love and overflowing in gratitude.
Rooting Down in Relationship
Central to our mission as a church is the cultivation of a diverse and committed family of believers who care for one another deeply - a community that reflects the neighborhood that we’re located in and is committed to living out the “one another’s” of scripture together. As such, we are working to create a broad network of love that holds people of different perspectives together by emphasizing the main things as it relates to faith and the shared things as it relates to place.
Reaching out in Love
We are committing to reach out to our neighbor in love, extending to them the shelter, shade and support that we ourselves have found in Christ. We desire through small “mustard seed” acts of love and grace - both corporately and individually - to provide shade for those who need it. Through cultivating hospitable hearts, meaningful partnerships, and lives of service, we hope to be a faithful presence in our neighborhood and to our world to manifest the love of Christ.
Sunday Worship
8:00 & 10:45am | 16th & A